今天大学科目网小编整理了描述大学的宿舍环境作文 一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏相关信息,希望在这方面能够更好帮助到大家。
![描述大学的宿舍环境作文 一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏](/draw/thumb/166425/68c5e648b7471bc5f0c015ae2fb66a24.png)
点滴滴----有矛盾,更有理解;有过悲伤,更有过快乐。正因为如此,才奠定了我们深厚的友情,在缘分天空下,我们彼此关怀,彼此谈心,相互团结,在我的内心深处,我会说: “这样的家,真好,我爱我的家”。
说起我们共有的宿舍,真有种说不出的感觉,在这里每天的生活都很充实,再也没有什么压力,小小的屋子成了我们休息的根椐地,是每一天的起点或着说是终点.但是没有血性的竟争依然存在。我们一起学习,像从前却又真真的是在现在.大扫除是每周都有的,大概是一个大学生宿舍里的一项必不可少的程序,不过我们的宿舍还没有落到非要到大扫除那天才会是干净,每天都会有人拿起那把小小的扫帚,让地上的灰尘在笑声中消失掉, 后来就因此我们宿舍还真的得了奖,那是很幸福的感觉。
岁月在诗画中匆匆流失,青春的脚步来不及彷徨,我们的友谊也日渐增厚。每当听到<<朋友>>这首歌时,我们总会掠过一些伤怀,大学时光已过了一半,分开在所难免。此时我们似乎比以前更珍惜在一起的时光了,无论多么的繁忙,我们总会抽出些时间来在一起谈心的。“天下没有不散的筵席”,虽然记忆会随着时间的消磨而褪色,人会因时间的流逝而憔悴。但我相信,感情却会因时间而更加深厚。每当我拖着疲惫的身体走到宿舍时我只想说: “家的感觉真好” 。
One is a dormitory room on the campus and I think this is typical of the traditional students lodgings,Being shared by eight students,the room is crowded.All there is to see are beds,double-deck beds.One table stands in the middle with five students sitting around it.There being no space for chairs or benches,they sit on the beds.Thereat of them have to stay in their nests doing their lessons.Luggage and suitcascs find their place either under orabove the beds.The room is small and crowded,yet the rent is low,just 20 yuana month.
Compared with Picture One,the dormitory room in Picture Four is much better.Since it is shared byfour,it looks larger.The space originally for beds is filled with two wardrobes which include all the luggage,books and knick knacks.Anyway,it is cleaner and better furnished.Although the rent is twice as much as that of Picture One,I think I get my money's worth and it is within my financial capacity.
![描述大学的宿舍环境作文 一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏](/draw/image/166425/faf59769c6950507ac90c0a31e8ea4f7.png)
一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏
大学科目网(https://www.whdxky.com)小编还为大家带来一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏的相关内容。
Advantages and Disadvantages
Dorm life inevitably leads to some of the highest highs and lowest lows of college life. You can throw a legendary party in your room one night (to celebrate getting an A on your essay) and then find yourself sleeping on the cold floor of the common area the next (because your roommate threw up on your bed).
Some of the pros of dorm life include:
* Academic success. Studies show that freshmen living in on-campus dorms do better academically than those who live in off-campus housing.
* Convenience. You’re close to everything you need, including your lecture halls, the library, the cafeteria and the campus pub.
* Community. There’s no easier way to make friends in college than by living in residence. Other students are never more than a 10-second walk out your door. Many college students look back on dorm shenanigans as some of their favorite memories of college.
Conversely, some of the cons are:
* Distractions. Though most students perform better academically, some have their grades suffer because they are unable to focus on their studies with everything that’s going on around them. Dorms are rarely, if ever, quiet.
* Lack of privacy. There are always people around, and this may end up getting on your nerves. It’s inevitable that the close proximity will cause some conflict and drama in your dorm.
* Theft. Many freshmen dorms have an open door policy. While this facilitates social interaction, it can also leave you vulnerable to theft. Tether your laptop to the wall or, better yet, store it in a locked safe whenever you aren’t in your room.
以上,就是大学科目网小编给大家带来的描述大学的宿舍环境作文 一篇英语作文 宿舍生活的好与坏全部内容,希望对大家有所帮助!更多相关文章关注大学科目网: